Monday, October 22, 2012

Trout Log, 2012

Had a good year! Would have liked to get out to the streams more but I had a really busy summer! Still caught a lot of trout though and some really nice ones!

486 Trout

Brown Trout: 225, biggest 21 inches
Brook Trout: 260, biggest 16 inches
Rainbow Trout: 1, 15.5 inches

Friday, September 28, 2012

End of the Season Trip

Samuel and I went out to end the season right in Pepin county.  We found a rare wood frog! We both ended up catching over 25 trout.  I didn't get out near as much as I would have liked too near the end of the season! But I caught a good amount of trout this year.  All catch and release!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Back to the Eau Claire for More

We spent more time on the Eau Claire in a different section.  This time Samuel ended up with his first Musky! We brought a backpack and had a nice shorelunch!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Multi-Species Day on the Eau Claire River

Samuel and I took a trip to the Eau Claire River, in Eau Claire County to try catch some bass. We ended up catching 33 bass total.  I caught my first Musky! Even though it was a snake it was super fun to catch! I also caught one walleye and samuel caught a northern pike! Beautiful day of fishing!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Pepin County

Adam and I got out to Pepin County to try some of the streams! We were very surprised! We each caught about 35 trout and had an amazing day on the water!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Birthday Trip!

Finally captured a picture of an owl! And it is my favorite kind, a Barred Owl.  Also saw a Coyote and some other cool stuff! Went fishing the next day and caught a lot of trout.  48 brooks and 49 browns!

Friday, April 20, 2012

New favorite stream!

Went to a new stream to try today. Never thought I would catch over 100 trout in a day but I caught 118 here.  Ranged from 6-18 inches.  Ridiculous stream, good help from trout unlimited on making awesome lunker structures and cleaning this stream up. I am wanting to help when they go back and work on a second part of this stream!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7th, Trempealeau River

Samuel and I went out for a day on one of our favorite streams.  We ended up catching 29 trout altogether.  Samuel caught this massive brookie and I ended up with a holdover rainbow! So excited to see a holdover in this stream! Beautiful day... We even saw a Kestrel!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wilson Creek, March 23rd

Went Back to Wilson Creek to see what the bite would be like! Ended up with 62 brook trout and 14 browns including a nice 18 incher!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wilson Creek, Dunn County

I had a decent day on Wilson Creek today! Caught a 21 inch female brown trout out of a slow moving hole! Very cool creek. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Early Season Opener, 2012

Nicolai and I went to one of our favorite streams for opener. Ended up having a nice day. We each caught 5+ over 15 inches!